Recent addittions to our Hire Fleet; Klemm 708 Drilling Rig, Klemm 708 Soil nail rig, M Trak restricted access drilling rig and another D500 dropweight rig.
If you can't find something on our website we can still supply it. We supply too much equipment to list everything on our website and can provide anything from site accomodation units to water pumps. Simply call us on 01616221169 to discuss your requirements. Alternatively you can use the contact form on the “contact us” page of our website..
Category Archives: Our History
Hutte HBR 203 – DTH Scotland

Mini Piling Plant Hire's Hutte HBR 203 driving through the "Drive In" of a multi-storey car park for a large national piling client's restrcted access job in Scotland.
The rig was setup with a DTH hammer and 220mm Odex casing system drill bit for drilling down to 17 meters within the carpark itself..